Tuesday, June 30, 2009


For the past 2 years the Metaphysical Community has been at War. People have been hurt. Persons have been treated unkindly, slandered, libeled, made isolated, and threatened. Sellers have been accused of fraud, and of committing fraud on one another. People have tried to, claimed to, hinted at, -or threatened to , curse others. People have been hurt. No one has been helped. Businesses have been hurt. A publicity industry against Metaphysical sellers has been created. Fundamentalist religious groups have entered this hurly-burly and done even more damage (“to set brother against brother”). And hackers have “kidnapped” IPs and turned one person against another by sending bogus emails written to discredit, hurt, and drive wedges between potential business contacts, stable business contacts, friendships, working acquaintainces, and educational and business expansion of the Metaphysical Field Itself. Many people have left the Metaphysical Field and/or stopped buying and/or selling. The good works of many have been smudged and some may not recover.
All of us have experienced some of this either first or second hand. Many of us have directly experienced most or all of what has just been said.
We are now working to end this situation. Here is what we are doing. Here is what we ask:
We will not appraise the worth or lack of any sellers. Buyers are adults and are on their own recognizance and responsibility for everything they do.
Any nasty letters will be trashed or sent to the Secret Service & FBI. We will not comment on them at all.
We will leave all people alone to live in both their chosen realities and fantasies of life.
We ask for and embody a total amnesty of all past blames, hatreds, word-battles, and all else along these lines.
We recognize that all people are different, have different needs, beliefs, ritual practices, and business practices. We leave them to their own path of development and while we may help, we refuse to hurt.
We will hold no grudges at all.
We will admit that everyone has a bad day or bad moments, including ourselves.
Past hatreds and arguments and blames for all from all – are neutralized.
We do what we can to create healing in this sector.
Some people may not want to add their names to this list for legitimate privacy reasons of all kinds. We honor this and make clear that it is perfectly reasonable for someone to remain very private in their life. And we do not use any of this as a weapon against anyone else.

It is this author’s belief that if the energy for Witch Wars had been harnessed and used in a Unity, we could have changed the World in a number of wonderful ways. We did not do this. Let’s do this now.
We are Metaphysical Peace
Christopher Jameson Strang (aka Caiyros Verree) http://waveridergalaxy.com


  1. A very good idea and something I've been saying since I became aware of the situation a few months ago. My name has been tossed about a bit, not that that bothers me really.

    I do agree that the negativity is so very damaging to all of us who are believers.
    I hope more people join your blog as followers to show solidarity. I have emailed several of my seller friends, asking them to join and I posted on one of the acrimonious threads on Pissed Off Consumer asking all who see and agree to come here too.
    My fervent wish is that ALL the negative Guides, Blogs, and postings will be removed or rewritten and that all the negativity and judging of other sellers, even IF you disagree with their offerings, will stop.
    My blog is a-new-golden-dawn.blogspot.com. I have addressed this issue there but only in reaction to myself as one who has been accused.
    Bravo to you for phrasing it so well and PEACE TO ALL!

  2. I absolutely agree to the above statement and whatever has been done to us through the community in the past should be kept in the past. Let us all try to move forward in peace and let bygones be bygones. Nobody has to be friends but respectful of one another is not that hard to do for the better of the metaphysical community at large. Kudos Caiyros!

  3. The constant negativity and fall out from the Witch Wars has prevented us all from moving forward and developing the Craft - and as Caiyros, A New Golden Dawn, and Crone Spirit Lady have rightly pointed out the nastiness, wrong doings, and the misguided accusations of before should be left in the past so that this movement for unification and peace can continue to gather momentum. We are proud to support this Amnesty and grateful for this opportunity to extend our greetings to everyone in the metaphysical world. We also extend sincere thanks to Caiyros for bringing everyone to the discussion table and for facilitating this break out of peace. We would also like to thank C.S.Lady for acting as go between and peace mediator and A.N.G.Dawn for her insights and benevolence and Shadow Healer & Seven Wolves for casting for us and watching our backs. Caiyros (Christopher James Strang) has shown how much he cares for us all - and how much he cares for the Craft by creating this peaceful environment in which we can all navigate away from the storm and move forward. Thank you for providing us all with a safe harbor Chris. Hans and Heini Von Strepple, North Pole, Alaska

  4. This is the best I've hear about this. Nice work.

  5. As a person coming into the practice of magick and a student of metaphysics, peace is essential to the continued flow of work between us all. Whatever is past, is past: we should focus on expansion and elevation for all in this glorious now. It may sound cliched, but we must stand together or end up isolated and apart. Peace to all, as we move into the Age of Pisces.

  6. This is Teri Hayes / aka: Sheephoganess, truthsmacabre. Yes, PEACE is the ONLY way and I'm all for it. This 'War' began, however, by things which overstepped spiritual matters into actual 'physical' actions committed by certain individuals who are neither honest NOR truly Spiritual. The 'authorities' continue their investigation regarding these particular individual's (actions) and peace is being restored to all of those who desire and truly love PEACE and the CRAFT/METAPHYSICS. "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's"... this is being done and all is clearing and refreshing... AMEN & NAMASTE. Thank you to Dear Christopher for this site and also to all of those here who also desire PEACE and LOVE the CRAFT/METAPHYSICS, ETC. BLESSINGS BE UNTO ALL OF US.
